Robert Wyeth outside his shop in Masterton in the 1880s


Welcome to 'our family history pages'. The purpose of the site is to give other family members access to the results of 20 years of asking questions, wandering through cemeteries and museums, reading books and records, and more recently searching on the internet. It is also to provide a place where others with similarly strange habits can deposit their information for the collective good.

Where From

The path towards this collection of ‘Our family History Pages has been a long one.  In 1986/87 as a result of the death of two of my Mother’s Aunts, I started to collect information on the family.  Preparing a Wyeth Tree for the family reunion in 1990 and adding the large amount of information that came from people attending the reunion carried on the process. By then I had the bug.  Early New Zealand history as it affected Robert Wyeth and his descendants was proving a very interesting pastime.

The tree has grown and gone in many directions. It has become more than a Wyeth Family Tree, it has become ‘Our Family History.’ We have a family to be proud of and as you read, I hope you will feel some of the pride I feel in our forefather’s endeavours. In looking at the descendents of Robert and Jane, I have attempted to account for all Wyeths born or present in New Zealand prior to 1900. Although Robert and Jane's family accounts for the majority, I have also included details of the other pre 1900 arrivals.

Where to

It is my hope that others will think that this is a worthwhile endeavour and add their knowledge of the wider family.

As you read this you will find many holes and, I hope a little less, errors.  If so, please either use the Contact Us facility or if you are attaching copies of photos or documents, send me an Email at


To help protect privacy, details of living people, including photographs, dates and stories, are suppressed on the site for all visitors. Data is hidden so that only family members, who have been granted a User Account, have access to this personal information. If you are a family member, you can apply for a user account which will allow you access to more details (see Register for a User Account). Registration is very simple.

Feature Articles

feature 1 Robert Wyeth. Robert was the first recorded Wyeth to arrive in New Zealand. Robert arrived in Port Nicholson on the 'Cuba' on 3 January 1840.

feature 2 Descendants of Robert Wyeth. Robert and Jane had 12 children. These pages are a work in progress covering each of their children and each childs family.

feature 3 Samuel Wyeth. Samuel was the second Wyeth arrival, once again in Wellington (Port Nicholson,) around 1875-76.

feature 4 Other Wyeths. Two other short-term pre 1900 Wyeth visitors and Frederick and Winifred who came from Australia around 1905.

Contact Us

email imageIf you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.