Transcription of Newspaper record of County Court Proceedings
July 2(20), 1842
Wyeth, indicted for stealing five pieces of scantling and some blocks of
wood, the property of Rowland Davis.
R.R.Davis, sworn. - I am an engineer, and live at Lambton-quay; I am erecting a house at
Lambton-quay and have purchased about 4000 or 5000 feet of wood - scantling,
blue gum, and blocks of wood ( Manuka ) for foundation; 45 feet from Waitt A
Tyser, 10,11, 19, 15, and six of 20, I have missed a portion of this and other
timber for these some months past - Question put - was kept in front of Mr
Perry's premises; the last which I missed were 10, 12, and one of 20, and five
manuka blocks; I have not seen them since; the house which I now occupy was
fastened by 4000 nails at the back, and locked in front, the carpenters kept
their tools within, but every night the best part of the timber which was placed
there for security was taken; and the back door forced open.
Cross-examined.- There was no fence between the place where the timber was deposited and the
public road; the manuka was placed some in the house and some at the back; I
missed five pieces and called the attention of the carpenters to the
circumstance. /p>
Johannah Connell. Sworn. - I am the daughter of Charles Connell of Wellington-terrace;
aged fourteen; I was servant to Mr. Wyeth; three or four weeks ago I left my
place; I was in his service four months; I went out to fetch wood for him; I
fetched some long pieces; I got them from a heap near Mr.Perry's house; the wood
was scantling Mr. Wyeth told me to get them; some was burned and some was used
in Mr.. Wyeth's house; Sunday it was raining, and he said he had no firewood,
and he said I must go and get some, if I went through iron; I did go, and got to
the heap and took hold of them and dragged it in; there were in the room when I
bought it in Mr. Wyeth and Mr.Canning; I heard Mr Wyeth say it was 20 feet long;
nothing was said when I brought it in; Mr. Wyeth took it from me and took it in
the kitchen; he sawed it in half, and took it into the coffee-room, which is in
front; the coffee-room was not open to the public; the prisoner was making
bunks; he made partitions of it to nail the boards to; Mr. Canning was in the
kitchen; I brought no more of that kind, but I brought in some red-wood logs; I
got these from near Mr. Davies' blacksmith shop; round blocks; between two and
three feet they were I think; the prisoner was chopping up these logs, Mr
Canning came down and said to the prisoner it was a great shame to chop up these
logs, and he would get into trouble about it; I have never seen any other
scantling in the prisoner's house except what I brought in; at the back of the
house there were two short pieces and one long piece; I recollect the prisoner
changed two short pieces for one long piece; the prisoner gave the long piece.
Cross-examined. - This occurred about three or four months ago; he told me to go out and get
some wood somewhere for the fire; I brought in some little pieces first, and the
prisoner said they were no good, they would burn away quick, and go get some big
bits, and then I fetched in the scantling; I found it near Mr. Perry's store; I
passed the front door and went right round to the back; it was about six o'clock
on Sunday afternoon; I recollect Mr. Batton asking him whether he might lay some
boards and scantling under his window for care; it was on a Saturday after this
occurred; remembers no other timber being brought; he brought three or four
planks himself, but I do not know where they came from; I do not remember any
bullock-cart coming to the prisoner's house with timber; I recollect some chairs
being brought , I was out with the baby, and had only just come in; I cannot say
if the timber was brought at that time; I noticed no timber lying under the
parlour window; I don't remember any cart coming with timber, but I recollect a
horse and cart coming to take away Mr. Batton's timber; I do not remember Mr.
Guthrie coming with bullocks to bring timber or carry it away; I remember being
examined at the Police-office; I don't remember saying that the affair to which
this investigation refers took place three weeks before then; I believe he took
it into the coffee-room whole and cut it up in there; Mr. Canning is a lodger at
this time, he lived there longer than a week; I think he lived there about three
weeks; Mr. Canning never sent me out to get firewood; I left about a month ago,
three weeks yesterday; I went away because I stopped out all night; he said I
might take my things and take myself off; I left about a month ago; three weeks
before I left I told my mother I was taking the wood, and she said if I took any
more she would tell Mr. Davies; I wanted to light a fire on the morning, on
Sunday I went out and got some shingles, I took Mr. Smith's shingles; there were
some shingles of the prisoners lying on the hen-house, but he would not let me
take them; Mr. Wyeth was in bed and told me to do this, that a man who had
ordered some coffee should have some; I picked the shingles out of several
bundles; I brought in a block, and he asked me where I got it, I told him, and
he said to go and get some more, as I want to dress a leg of pork, and if I send
it to Mr. Sellers he will take out all the gravy; one day Mr. Wyeth lost some
shingles off his hen-house, and the prisoner said if she did so again he would
"give it her", and so I was frightened; the prisoner told me to get
some shingles, and I said where am I to get them from, he said go into Mr.
Smith's house; I did so, and Mr. Wyeth told me to make haste and get some
shingles from these, before the carpenters came in the morning; I was not
accused of being a thief at a Mr. Wyeth's; there was a piece of silver which
Mrs. Robertson put on the shelf and it was removed away to another place, and
then I was accused of moving it with the intention of stealing it; I was accused
of stealing a pair of boots belonging to a maori woman, I took them for a lark
and I was afraid and denied it, but afterwards I confessed it; Mr. Wyeth found
the boots in the back place, and he took them back to Mr. Williams; I lived at
Mrs. Hewitt's; I was discharged because she could not afford to keep two
servants, a boy and myself; Mrs. Hewitt never accused me of stealing anything; I
have had no talk with Mr. Pode, he said to me at the Police-office, you have
done a pretty thing my lady, take care you are not sent across the water, I said
take care you are not sent across the water yourself; Mr Pode is the prisoners
brother-in -law; Mr. Wyeth never accused me of stealing from him and giving
things to my father; Mrs. Macgreggor said on the Police-office, that she thought
she saw me take tobacco or something she did not know what it was; I do remember
being sent to get a five pound changed, he sent me out to get change one wet
night in all the rain, I lost a note which afterwards I found again with a
candle, when I returned first Mr. Wyeth told me there was a pound short, and I
thought there was a two pound note; I went back by Mr. Wyeth's orders, and said
Mr. Brown had only given me four pounds, he said there were five pounds I went
back and told my mistress so, who said run out and see if you have not dropped
it; I went out without a light first and afterwards took a candle, and went to
the side of a barrel where I had stopped before, and stooping down I found the
note; I was paid on the morning I left, in all he paid me One pound One, there
were two months' wages and about a weeks.
(R.R.Strang. Esq., produced copies of the depositions which he proved.)
Witness continued. -When I called for my wages on the Thursday after I left, the
prisoner said he had got into a great trouble through the wood; he asked me,
when I brought the wood into the house, if there were two men in the
coffee-room. This took place in a little room through the bar; he saw some of
it; I cannot think of any word I said at the Police-office; the wood he sawed he
took from near the bedroom he had lately erected for his wife, it was part of
the partition and fixed with nails. I pointed out the wood which I had taken,
and he took it down with a hammer, cut it into lengths, and put it on the fire
in the kitchen.
John Canning, sworn. - I am a cabinet-maker; I know the prisoner at the bar; I lived
at his house; we were partners together about three or four months ago; I was
there when a piece of wood, about two feet long, such as they use for foundation
piles or blocks; I said to the girl, where did you get the piece of wood from;
she made no reply; I said that piece of wood belongs to Mr. R. Davies, and it
cost that man 6d. or 1s., and it is a shame that it should be burnt when he
wants it for his building; after I said this the prisoner said , don't mind
taking it back, but don't get any more; I said mind if this is burned, I will
have nothing more to do with it; I got up and went away out of the house; the
prisoner was building up some bunks; scantling was employed in it; I saw
scantling used.
Cross-examined.- About four or five months ago there were four or six pieces of scantling, about
16 feet long left at the house when I went up to the north; I knew of this
prosecution at Otaki; Burgess told me my name was mentioned as being connected
with a robbery of timber; I heard that there was a warrant out against me and I
went to Burgess and afterwards fined on bail; I appeared next morning before Mr.
Murphy; I was discharged, and told to appear as a witness; I was seven or eight
months a partner to Mr. Wyeth; I went to his house and had some breakfast; I
arrived here on Saturday night-perhaps it might be Friday-and gave bail
immediately; I lodged at Mr. Couper's; I received my property from Mr. Wyeth on
Monday; I have lodged since at Mr. Young's; I placed my property outside Mr.
Perry's afterwards I placed it in Mr.R.Davies house; I never said to anyone at
any time that I would not be surprised to see Mr. Wyeth across the water; I
never did use the terms to that effect; all I said was, that I was sorry I had
any thing to do with it.
Richard Harvey, Sworn. - I am a carpenter, and live in Willlis St; I know Mr. Davies; I
was at work at the house he is putting up; I remember his receiving some
scantling; there were some 10 feet, some 12, 14, and 20; I have missed some; we
have missed one 20 feet length; there were some blocks; i do not know if there
were any missing.
Jury.- The size of the 20 foot scantling was 2 and a half by 4; the girl Johanna, I
think, could drag a piece that size.
Defence; Robert Gutch, sworn. - I know the prisoner at the bar; I boarded in his house
some months; from my own observation, I have always considered him an
industrious thriving man; he was punctual in his payments; I lived there five
months, and during that time i saw nothing that would induce me to think that
any dishonest practice was going on; from the time I spent in the house, I
think, if such practices were going on, I should have seen it; he purchased
boards of Wade and others since he has occupied the prisoner's house; I believe
he had a small quantity of scantling left after finishing his house; I know Mr.
Willis; I saw him using scantling at Mr. Wyeth's house about April last; I know
Johanna Connell; she lived at Mr. Wyeth's as a servant; she lived there about
four months; I would not believe her on her simple statement, unless I had known
it to be true; I know she was charged with stealing half a dollar; I remember
hearing Mr. Wyeth saying that he had found her secrete half a dollar and placed
it under a small box; he asked Mrs. Robertson if she had placed any thing on the
dresser; she was taxed with doing it ,and went to the shelf, lifted the box, and
turned it; I think Willis had used about four or five lengths of 10 feet long
about the month of April.
Cross-examined. - The scantling was used for rafters; I have seen scantling long between Mr.
M'Gregor's and Mr. Wyeth's; I am not aware whether I owe him money now; he owed
me money and I have been indebted to him; I am sure Mr. Wyeth does not owe me
money; I will not swear whether I do not owe him money; Mr. Wyeth has made a
number of small things; remarks were made in the presence of Johanna; he has
made statements which the girl has denied; she remained after the charge of the
half dollar was made against her; he said he could not get another, that she was
fond of the child; there have been alterations made in the house; there was some
repair put upon the roof of the house.
Emma Robertson, widow, sworn. - I know a girl named Johanna Connell; I was present
when a charge was made against her by Mr. Wyeth; it was about a dollar which was
laid by me on the table, which was removed; I made enquiry after it, and Mr.
Wyeth asked the girl if she had seen it, and she said no; there was a search for
it, and the girl took it from a shelf; it was under a box or basin where I had
not placed it; I did not know whether it was a half dollar, I took it to be a
half-crown; Mr. Wyeth said he saw her put it there, and she told a story; I know
nothing against the girl except on that occasion.
Cross-examined. - John Wyeth asked her if she knew of it, she denied it; I knew it was only half
a dollar, by subsequent enquiry.
John Ellis, seaman, sworn. - I live at Mr. Wyeth's house; the day of the
investigation at the Police-office, I remember Johanna coming for her wages; she
came to the back door where I was sitting; she enquired for the child; I do not
believe the master spoke to her; I saw no scantling cut down or burnt on that
Cross-examined. - The accident which I am suffering under, (viz. the fracture on the head and
broken leg,) took place five weeks ago; the girl was living in the house at the
time; she was going to be discharged about a pair of boots.
Sarah Jackson, sworn. - I live at Wellington, at Mr. Wyeth's, as his servant; three
week's yesterday, I went there; I remember Johanna Connell coming on a Saturday,
to the back door; she asked to see the baby; I never heard Mr. Wyeth speak to
her; I was in the kitchen; it was not possible I think, for Mr. Wyeth to have
said anything to Johanna without my hearing it; I saw nothing put in the fire
while I was there; I saw no saw; I saw nothing taken from the partition; nothing
I think could have taken place without my seeing it.
Cross-examined.- It was about one or two o'clock when she came, and staid one or two hours; it
was on Thursday; I know the day she came, we were washing the day before; I have
had no conversation about what I was to say when I came here; I have not been
asked what I would say; no-one has ever asked me; I have not told any one what I
would say; I was brought here because I was in the kitchen all the time.
Arthur Heywood, sworn. - I know the house Mr. Wyeth lives in; a piece of timber 20 feet
long could not be brought into the back kitchen door, and thus enter the coffee
The judge in his charge to the jury, told them, they must dismiss the fact from
their minds, that the prisoner was tried on a former occasion. That they as
jurymen, as well as he, as judge, must attend to the evidence only, and all
parties discharge, their several duties according to their oaths, however
painful it might be to their feelings. That the prisoner,(Wyeth) had received an
excellent character from persons of credibility at his former trial of which he
would have the benefit.
The jury after a short consultation returned a verdict of guilty, recommending him to
The prisoner was then sentenced to two months hard labour.
This case closed the criminal cases before the court.
The judge in discharging the jury, thanked them for the patience and integrity with
which they had discharged their duties. He (the judge)took the occasion to
remark upon the late fire, which had occurred at the Court House, and he begged
to assure the Court, and the public through them, that the whole of the papers
and deeds connected with the County Court, as well as the preliminary
proceedings of the Supreme Court, were safe. Since the commencement of these
proceedings all affidavits, warrants of attorney, judgements, deeds, etc, and
all matters connected with the administration of the effect of deceased persons,
were carefully deposited in an iron box, and were kept at his private house
until a safer place could be procured.