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Emlen Wellington in MASTERTON - c1910- surrounded by 14 children - Emmeline 'Emlen' (nee Grose 1851-1911) was born in Cornwall. She married John Wellington (1850-1923) in 1871 & emigrated to NZ that year, settling in Masterton. Moved to Kopuaranga and back to Masterton in 1886. They had 9 children. There were 6 sons & 3 daughters. The 3 daughters married Wells, Judd & Wrigley. There are at least three children in the photo named other than these which implies these are not all grandchildren
link says ... photo shows Emlen seated with 13 grandchildren around her. One holds a doll, another has a parrot on her shoulder. BACK: Annie Candy, Mona Irene Wellington (1903-), unknown boy( possibly William Syvanus Wellington brother of Florence.TF) MIDDLE: Flo Payne with parrot, unknown girl, Charlie Wellington (1899), (Emlen seated) Grace Ellen Wellington with doll (1901-) , Bert PayneFRONT: Florence Ina Wellington (1902-), unknown girl, Edith Lillian Wellington (1905-), Roy James Udy Wellington (1906-) on Emlen's knee (but holding girl's hat), Cecil George Judd (1904-), Gladys Lillian Judd (1905-)If the unknown Boy is William all Grandchildren are accounted for other than Herbert (born 1910) and Foster (born 1913.)TF
As soon as I saw that photo I recognised it.That is my great great grandmother, My Nan is Mona standing behind Emlen's left shoulder. Emlen Wellington and her Grandchildren in Masterton circa 1910 (Click to read details)
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